Usefull links
Tours & the Loire Valley
Education Valley
- The Education Valley
- The "François Rabelais" University of Tours
- The "François Rabelais" University of Tours (International Site)
- The Department of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching (SODILANG) of the University of Tours
- Brassart School
- IMT Group
- France Business School
Français Langue Etrangère
- "Qualité Français langue étrangère" Label
- Groupement FLE
- FLE Promotion Agency
- International Center of Pedagogical Studies
- French Language Center of CCI Paris Ile-de-France
- Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (Conseil de l’Europe)
- Campus France, the French agency for higher education promotion, international student services and international mobility
- France Diplomatie : The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs